Another item that we made this week was French Toast. But do the French call it by that name? No, they call it Pain Perdu. That means Lost Bread. If you have had a baguette, you know that by the next day or certainly the following one, that it is hard as a baseball bat. Probably, some French Momma was trying to come up with breakfast for her wee ones, and discovered that if the hardened gluten-filled club was sliced, dipped into eggs and fried, it would not be a lost loaf of bread. It must have been the idea of an Italian Momma, too, as my Sicilian grandmother talks about taking "French Toast" in her lunch to school as a little girl.
I've only stayed in a few bed and breakfasts, but on one trip, we had a wonderful version of French Toast with cream cheese and marmalade. The marmalade provides enough sweetness that I don't use syrup. Try it some time, you might be surprised.
So, to the left is a picture of what this French speaking, Momma of Italian decent, who lives in the USA created for her little boy. =) Bon Appetit!
Recipe for Pain Perdu
3 eggs (beaten)
little less than 1/4 c of 2 % milk
1 baguette (next day is better than fresh)
generous sprinkle of cinnamon
3 TBSP of granular sugar
powdered sugar for dusting
Slice baguette into 3/4 inch slices. Set aside. Beat eggs in a shallow glass dish. Add milk, granular sugar, and cinnamon. Beat with a fork. Heat a non-stick skillet at Med heat for 2 minutes, spray with Pam or melt a little butter. Put bread slices in egg mixture 1 at a time. Turn over and allow absorb the mixture for 5 or so seconds. Place onto greased hot skillet. Turn one time and remove from heat. Spread cream cheese and marmalade over the top and dust with powdered sugar.